
Enhancing Capacity-building for Leveraging Innovative Procurement Strategies in Europe

ECLIPSE is a project funded within the HORIZON-EIE-2023-CONNECT-02, Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems. The project's main aim is to design and experiment with new supporting services and tools to better integrate private and public investors (venture capitalists) in the innovation procurement process, specifically pre-commercial procurement (PCP). The partnership of the project is composed by: Università Politecnica delle Marche (coordinator), IT; AGID, Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale, IT; BPI France, FR; Fasttrack Action Lda, PT; G-Force Sro, SK; Toro Ventures Financial and Management Services, ES. ECLIPSE has the ambition of experimenting a new reference model for PCP based on the interaction between Public Procurers and the ecosystem of start-ups and private investors. Implementing ECLIPSE’s services and tools will promote the participation of innovative start-ups in public procurement challenges. Meanwhile, ECLIPSE will empower public procurers’ capabilities to assess the technical solutions proposed and the market potential of innovative solutions. The supportive services together with investors involvement will enhance the capacity of public procurers to better understand their needs for innovation, identify the suppliers to address them and scale-up the proposed solutions. Given their importance within the EU long-term development goals, specific attention will be dedicated to innovation procurement of green technologies. ECLIPSE will be implemented as a three-pillar iterative process, corresponding to each project objectives.

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The model

The Innovation Procurement Journey envisages at least five gates where the ECLIPSE service model could be effectively implemented: G1- Preparation phase; G2- Tender Preparation, G3- Evaluation of Proof of concept proposals; G4- Evaluation of prototypes; G5 – Evaluation of results of the test in lab condition and preparation of the the Procurement of Innovative Solution

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ECLIPSE Navigator

The Navigator is a toolkit tailored for public procurers, startups and investors. This resource will feature a comprehensive handbook complemented by a versatile array of training materials, to be available both online and for offline training.

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The effectiveness of the NAVIGATOR services and toolbox will be validated within a real pilot. The pilot will establish a practical example for practitioners that can serve as a reference for other innovation procurement initiatives.

Start of the project: 1st June 2024

End of the project: 31st May 2026

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